Aside from concerns over censorship and piracy, there’s another wrinkle to Disney’s plan to co-finance Iron Man 3 with China’s DMG Entertainment and film part of the movie in that country: the Alliance For American Manufacturing doesn’t particularly like the idea, either.The organization identifies itself as “a unique non-partisan, non-profit partnership forged to strengthen manufacturing in the United States,” and claims to be made up of a partnership between American manufacturers (you know–like Tony Stark!) and the United Steelworkers Union.In an e-mail sent to their supporters earlier today, the organization asked, “Why is ‘Iron Man 3’ being Made in China?” In the body of the e-mail itself (also available on their blog), the organization posed the provocative question, “Essentially, Iron Man showed that manufacturing can be high-tech and modern. So what does it say when suddenly Iron Man has to be made in China, too?”That’s a hard question to answer, although it should be noted that the very first suit of armor was built overseas (albeit from American parts).
Alliance For American Manufacturing Attacks “Offshoring” Iron Man 3
Aside from concerns over censorship and piracy, there’s another wrinkle to Disney’s plan to […]