Last night, talked a little bit about the deleted scenes that appear to have been cut from Sony’s The Amazing Spider-Man at the last possible moment, either by director Marc Webb or by the studio, probably in service of the larger franchise. It’s clear that, even as the movie was in production and post-production, changes were being made.Well, even before the camera went before the cameras, the studio was apparently considering a much more radical reinvention of the Spider-Man film franchise than we eventually got. While fans would likely have flipped their lids, one has to wonder if it would have satisfied critics who claimed there was no point in rebooting a film that felt too much like Raimi’s anyway. Critics, of course, who include Raimi’s main villain, Willem Dafoe.Throughout the weekend, a number of sites (including Comics X-Aminer and Bleeding Cool) have been collecting up concept art for the film, which has started to flow on the Web now that production artists are likely more able to talk. With the film in theaters, there’s little chance of something being spoiled by designers showing off what they did on the Internet, and so it’s likely not a coincidence it’s all hitting at once.
Amazing Spider-Man Almost Changed the Costume–Dramatically
Last night, talked a little bit about the deleted scenes that appear to have been […]