While most of the world is watching Super Bowl XLVII, AMC just aired the first two minutes of the upcoming mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead. We’ll have video of the two minutes embedded in this post once it arrives online, but for now, here’s a description of what happened.The Walking Dead first look at The Suicide King episode kicked off right where the mid-season finale left off. The Governor has ordered Daryl and Merle to fight to the death. Andrea pleads, “Phillip, please don’t do this.” But The Governor says it’s no longer up to him that it’s up to the town.As Daryl stands around watching, Merle announces, “Y’all know me. I’m going to do whatever I’ve got to do to prove my loyalty to this town.” Merle then sucker punches Daryl and knocks him to the ground. Merle continued to beat Daryl senseless, as the clip ends.The Walking Dead season three mid-season premiere airs on Sunday, February 10, 2013 starting at 9 PM ET on AMC.
The Walking Dead First Two Minutes Of Mid-Season Premiere
While most of the world is watching Super Bowl XLVII, AMC just aired the first two minutes of the […]