Pacific Rim Toys On the Web Ahead of Toyfair

Before Toyfair starts in New York tomorrow, the filmmakers behind Pacific Rim took to their [...]

Before Toyfair starts in New York tomorrow, the filmmakers behind Pacific Rim took to their Facebook page to give fans a sneak peek at a pair of the action figures that will be unveiled there. The film, which hits the big screen on July 11, pits giant robots called Jaegers up against kaiju--massive monsters a la Godzilla. The action figures revealed are two of the Jaegers--a blue one called Gipsy Danger and a red one called Crimson Typhoon. Del Toro, who also directed Hellboy and is reportedly in talks with Warner Bros. to make Dark Universe, recently called Pacific Rim "the only movie I've done where I don't want it to end."

Dark Universe is a film, formerly called Heaven Sent, that stars a number of DC Comics's supernatural characters and is suspiciously similar to Justice League Dark. Smart money had been that the film would eventually be called Justice League Dark, but with the Justice League script reportedly being rejected this week and the film's status now up in the air, it's seeming more and more likely del Toro will get his film off the ground first, and therefore that it will be less likely to be branded with the Justice League name.