Man Of Steel Director Says Multiple DC Comics Easter Eggs

How many Easter Eggs will there be in Man Of Steel for other DC Comics superheroes? According to [...]

Blaze Comics Man Of Steel

How many Easter Eggs will there be in Man Of Steel for other DC Comics superheroes? According to director Zack Snyder, there will definitely be more than one Easter Egg in Man Of Steel suggesting a broader DC Comics Cinematic Universe. While a Wayne Enterprises logo on a satellite in Man Of Steel had already been reported, director Zack Snyder has also indicated that fans should keep their eyes open for other Easter Eggs. After confirming the Batman Easter Egg on camera with Jake Hamilton, Zack Snyder added, "And I think that also, there's a couple other little things in the movie to that also point to this potential for a DC expansion. Though, I'd say, we really are…our main focus and our main goal was to get Superman to work 100%. And I don't even know what it means to be honest, you know what having those things in there, other than to say like those things are in there." Of course, was first to report on a Booster Gold Easter Egg that appears in one of the Man Of Steel trailers, which could be one of the additional Easter Eggs that Zack Snyder is referring to. The Man Of Steel prequel comic book also has a Hawkman Easter Egg, but it's not been confirmed if that Easter Egg also makes it into the movie. What other DC Comics superhero Easter Eggs would you like to see in Man Of Steel? The Man Of Steel opens in movie theaters in the United States on June 14, 2013.