Peter Georgiou of the pop culture website Think McFly Think has sparked a new round of rumors surrounding Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s involvement in the DC Cinematic Universe, suggesting that the actor may be in talks to portray John Stewart, the African-American Green Lantern who most insiders expect to replace Hal Jordan in the next screen appearance of the sci-fi superhero.Georgiou cautioned that his words were just a rumor and he didn’t talk to the original source, but that he’s heard through the “industry grapevine” that Johnson might be the next Green Lantern–either in Batman vs. Superman or in another film–perhaps Justice League, or another Green Lantern standalone. He added that whether or not Hal Jordan is addressed in the next Green Lantern appearance, it’s his understanding that Ryan Reynolds is officially out.That last bit will surprise no one, but there has been some (mostly fan) speculation that the critically-reviled Green Lantern film might be integrated into a DC Cinematic Universe eventually, which would allow Zack Snyder and company to spend less time designing the Corps, the costumes and the like. Nobody I’ve spoken to in the industry has ever found that scenario to be too likely.
Will Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Play Green Lantern in Batman vs. Superman?
Peter Georgiou of the pop culture website Think McFly Think has sparked a new round of rumors […]