After The Governor’s horrific attack on the prison, Rick’s group is divided and struggling for survival in small groups on the “Inmates” episode of The Walking Dead. As walkers flooded the burning prison, the survivors didn’t exactly have the chance to pick who they went on the run with, which has led to some rather awkward moments. Here are the five most awkward moments from the “Inmates” episode.5. Daryl’s Faith Speech โ Daryl wound up on the run with Beth, who had just watched The Governor decapitate her father. When Beth tells Daryl that he needs to have faith, Daryl replies, “Faith hasn’t done s*** for us. Faith sure as hell didn’t do nothing for your father.” When Beth then shoots Daryl a glaring look, Daryl’s expression suggests he’s thinking, “Oh, was that too soon?”4. Crazy Babysitter โ When Tyreese hears someone screaming for help, he leaves baby Judith in the care of Lizzie and Mika. When Judith’s crying starts to attract the attention of walkers, Lizzie covers Judith’s mouth and nose, nearly suffocating her. As Judith struggles to breath, her big baby eyes suggest she’s thinking, “Oh, crap, they left me with the crazy, little girl who’s been feeding the rats to the walkers.”3. Bob Stookey’s Big Smile โ While Sasha is tending to Bob Stookey’s gunshot wound, Stookey looks around and breaks out in a big smile. Considering that several of his group is believed dead, including the brother of the woman applying his bandages, it’s probably not the best time to be putting on a happy face. When Stookey apologizes, Sasha says, “You can smile. You’re alive. I get it.”2. Tara’s Confession โ After escaping the prison with Glenn, Tara begins to ramble on about what happened. In regards to The Governor, Tara says, “I trusted him, and then he just killed that old man.” Of course, Glenn was still recovering from being ill during The Governor’s attack, so he missed out on the decapitation of Hershel. Glenn says, “”Hershel? Was his name Hershel?” Realizing that Glenn didn’t know, Tara awkwardly replies, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”1. Tyreese’s Big Hug โ There can perhaps be no more awkward moment than the moment when you realize the man whose girlfriend you murdered is about to give you a great big hug. When Carol announced her presence to Tyreese, she had to be wondering if Rick had told him that she was the one who murdered his girlfriend. When Tyreese reacted with excitement in seeing her and rushed over to give her a big hug, Carol didn’t seem to know how to react.
The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 10: Five Most Awkward Moments
After The Governor’s horrific attack on the prison, Rick’s group is divided and struggling for […]