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At the same time, the publisher confirmed that Bloodshot will resume publication with #24 in October. The series just ended, kicking off an Armor Hunters: Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. Corps miniseries. The title, which launched as Bloodshot and then added the H.A.R.D. Corps following The Harbinger Wars event in September of last year.
Now, it seems the nanite-infected assassin will get his solo spotlight back. What becomes of the H.A.R.D. Corps? We’ll have to read Armor Hunters but it stands to reason there are big plans for the Harbinger Foundation, since Harbinger is also ending.
Asked by a fan what the status was of various Valiant properties being developed for TV and film, Shamdasani was largely evasive, but did appear to confirm the Bloodshot rumors, complete with a Vaughn name-drop.
“There are things going on there,” Shamdasani said. While he added that he couldn’t address anything specifically yet, “I know Bloodshot has leaked out, being directed by Matthew Vaughn, though.”
While not an official confirmation, it certainly seems like it, since company executives speaking from the stage at a convention are likely to get called out if something like that isn’t true. Previously, the rumors had come out of industry trade website Deadline, which at the time was run by Nikki Finke, the reporter who broke the news this week of an ambitious DC Entertainment film slate to be announced by Warner Bros. at Comic Con International: San Diego.
A Shadowman movie has also been confirmed as in development, from a script by J.M. Straczynski.