is now a cable network, according to a report at Entertainment Weekly. That’s after they ran a three-minute video originating from a YouTube channel called DailyBugleTV, which featured a cable news network interviewing Captain George Stacy who, depending upon your perspective, is either the father to Spider-Man’s girlfriend Gwen or the guy from Rescue Me.During the interview, Stacy tells his supporters that they can submit information that might help catch Spider-Man to a toll-free telephone number–877-651-8503–which then redirects callers to check out, a site which is also mentioned in the video. There, you can submit photos of suspected Spider-Man sightings, and there’s a link where you can browse a gallery–although it’s not yet active.So far this is the only video on that YouTube channel, but we’ll keep an eye on it and share any new ones as they appear. The Amazing Spider-Man, which comes to theaters on July 4, has launched the kind of viral marketing campaign that has become increasingly common since the massive success of The Dark Knight, which sold itself this way and turned out to be the most successful comic book movie of all time.
Amazing Spider-Man Viral Clip Showcases Revamped Daily Bugle
The Daily Bugle is now a cable network, according to a report at Entertainment Weekly. That’s […]