and CBS have announced an exclusive content licensing agreement for the upcoming CBS television series, Extant. The agreement follows the model used for CBS’s Under The Dome, with new episodes airing on CBS television first, and then becoming available for streaming exclusively through Amazon Prime’s Instant Video service four days after the episode’s original air date.”Our partnership with Amazon for UNDER THE DOMEย helped build a creative, financial and marketing model for event television in the summer,” said Scott Koondel, Chief Corporate Licensing Officer, CBS Corporation. ย “We look forward to using the same model for EXTANT, a series whose creative auspices, on-screen talent and intriguing concept is already generating great excitement.””We received very positive feedback from Prime members about this summer’s exclusive access to UNDER THE DOME,” said Brad Beale, Director of Content Acquisition for Digital Video at Amazon. “Customers loved being able to watch the show just days after it aired as well as catching up on previous episodes. ย We are thrilled to offer Prime members this access forย Extant, another exciting new show from CBS.”Extant is a drama being produced by Steven Spielberg that stars Halle Berry. Extant is a mystery thriller about an astronaut who returns home after a year in space and tries to reconnect with her family, leading into events that change the course of human history.
Amazon And CBS Announce Exclusive Streaming Deal For Steven Spielberg’s Extant, Starring Halle Berry and CBS have announced an exclusive content licensing agreement for the upcoming CBS […]