, a free digital comic, launched today through Amazon Studios, the original content arm of online retail giant Amazon. While obviously there are plenty of comics available through Amazon, this is the first original one commissioned by Amazon Studios.”Blackburn Burrow, a story set in Civil War America where supernatural horrors are infesting a small Appalachian town in Northern Georgia,” says a press release from the company sent earlier today. “Blackburn Burrow first came to Amazon Studios in the form of a feature film screenplay from writer Jay Levy. Community feedback, gathered from Amazon Studios’ crowdsourcing model, triggered the idea for the popular project to be adapted into a digital comic that would be shared with audiences for feedback and tested for viability as a major motion picture.”That’s an increasingly popular philosophy, of course, with filmmakers taking projects to places like Top Cow and Legendary Pictures starting up its own comic book arm. Wes Craven and Steve Niles, both bona fide successes, recently announced a similar initiative.
Amazon Gets Into Comic Book Business
Blackburn Burrow, a free digital comic, launched today through Amazon Studios, the original […]