According to producer Andrew Kreisberg, speaking at today’s PaleyFest panel for Arrow, revealed that Oliver Queen will be heading to Bludhaven in an upcoming episode.”Nightwing will not be there, unfortunately,” the producer said, with he and fellow producer Marc Guggenheim agreeing that the character is “out of town that week.”That said, “There’s always that hope–there’s two cities that we’ll probably never go to,” he said, alluding pretty obviously to Metropolis and Gotham City and saying it’s up to DC Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns.The panelists added that, as far as other heroes in general are concerned, they want to let stories like Black Canary and Speedy develop more organically and realistically, since it took Oliver five years to develop into the character he is in the show and they don’t want to do a disservice to his character by having Katie Cassidy “have a bad day, throw on some fishnets and start killing people.”
Arrow Is Headed to Bludhaven
According to producer Andrew Kreisberg, speaking at today’s PaleyFest panel for Arrow, revealed […]