Time-travel, humor and emotional stakes combine to make Bob Gale’s Back to the Future trilogy one of the most beloved series of films ever made — and they’re all components that will likely be essential to the success of a rumored Booster Gold/Blue Beetle movie.
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But that’s not a job for Gale, he told ComicBook.com in a recent interview, the full text of which will run tomorrow.
Gale, who wrote for DC Comics on a number of 1990s Batman comics and has worked with Marvel on the Spider-Man franchise,
“No,” he told us simply when we asked whether he would be interested in writing the film.”I’ve read Booster Gold and it’s a lot of fun, but I’ve come to the point where I’ve decided working with other people’s IP; it’s really hard. You’re always going to piss people off. I’ve got enough original stories that I want to tell. That’s what I want to work on. No matter how good a comic book movie is, there’s always going to be people complaining about it — or you can totally misfire like the last Fantastic Four movie, and for my money I’ve got to tell you, I’m OD’ed on these movies. They all seem to be pretty much the same. They all are kind of following a formula. They are all way too long. It’s all special effects at the expense of good characters.”
The Back to the Future trilogy is coming back to Blu-ray on Tuesday with a thirtieth anniversary edition meant to celebrate Marty’s trip to the future — which took place (takes place?) later this week. Check back today and tomorrow for more from our conversation with Bob Gale.