
Booster Gold Will Return to the New 52 In All-Star Western #19

Booster Gold, missing in action in the New 52 since the cancellation of Justice League […]
Jonah Hex and Booster Gold in ALL-STAR WESTERN #20

Booster Gold, missing in action in the New 52 since the cancellation of Justice League International, will return to the DC Universe next month in All-Star Western #19, according to ComiXology.Morganstern at the Boosterrific message boards noticed that while DC Comics’s solicitation for the book has Booster’s name redacted in the  text (and his figure blacked out on the cover), the online comics retailer includes the character’s name.Here’s how ComiXology has it:

Writer: Gray, Justin Artist: Moritat, Cover Artist: Porter, Howard The future collides with the past in this issue as time traveler Booster Gold causes problems for Jonah Hex. And in the backup story, a never before seen Stormwatch team takes the spotlight!

The story, as far as can be discerned from the solicitations, sees Booster Gold arrive in Jonah Hex’s time in All-Star Western #19, and take Jonah to the future (our present) in All-Star Western #21.The absence of regular All-Star Western co-writer Jimmy Palmiotti is probably nothing noteworthy; he’s missing in a number of solicitations on ComiXology going back for months, but not left the book and is still solicited by DC Comics through #21.

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