
Check Out the Week’s Biggest Pokemon News in One Place

Pokemon GO is on everyone’s mind this week and there’s been plenty of news about the popular […]

Pokemon GO is on everyone’s mind this week and there’s been plenty of news about the popular mobile app. If you missed any of this week’s news, is here to help! Every week, our Pokemon experts sit down to recap all of the big Pokemon news in “This Week in Pokemon” show.

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Some of this week’s biggest Pokemon stories include tips for finding and catching rare Pokemon in Pokemon GO. We also explained where all the Legendary Pokemon were at in Pokemon GO.Plus, we pointed out some cool spots being used as Pokemon Gyms (including the White House) and showed fans how they could find nearby PokeStops with a helpful map. We also covered the frequent server crashes, which have now happened on four consecutive days. And lost in all the big Pokemon GO news was the reveal of a new Pokemon named Salandit, which will appear in Pokemon Sun and Moon.

Be sure to stay tuned to for all your Pokemon coverage. And be sure to share your coolest Pokemon GO find in the comments! It might show up in a future article!