Happy Thanksgiving!It’s a few days until pumpkin pie, stuffing and of course, turkey goodness descend upon the nation, so why not make a trip to your local comic book shop to stock up on reading for the food coma that will set in after the meal?Looking at what DC has in store this week, it appears that it’s justice for all!Justice League of America #39 gets things rolling, as the Blackest Night comes home to roost, with major villains such as Dr. Light back to “life” in this issue.Justice League: Cry for Justice #5 continues the story of a random assortment of heroes seeking true justice, even as villain Prometheus appears to be in custody!The dynamic writing duo of Bill Willingham and Matthew Sturges bring the dramatic, current arc of the JSA to a close with Justice Society of America #33 hits stores, finally revealing the traitor behind the recent attacks on and destruction of this super team!In other parts of the DCU, Wonder Woman #38 continues the strange adventures on Diana’s home island, with Achilles and the Amazons forming stranger and stranger connections!Nekron (yes, Nekron!) rears his head in Blackest Night #5!One of the biggest events of this massive crossover happens here!This week!Superman: Secret Origins reaches its halfway mark with issue three’s release this week.See what happens when Clark/Superman ventures into Metropolis for the first time!Last but not least, the origin of Batwoman continues in the pages of Detective Comics #859.
Comic Book Previews for November 25th, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s a few days until pumpkin pie, stuffing and of course, turkey goodness […]