
Daredevil Season 2 Recap With Spoilers: Kinbaku

The screen reads, ‘Ten Years Ago.’ Jazz music plays as a waiter drops off a tray of horderves. […]

The screen reads, “Ten Years Ago.”

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Jazz music plays as a waiter drops off a tray of horderves. Foggy picks one up and hates the taste. A younger Matt walks in and the waiter criticizes them for thinking they could crash the party but doesn’t kick them out. Foggy continues eating as Matt claims to go on a search for alcohol but on his way, he listens to everyone’s conversations. A woman’s metal bracelets cling together and grab his attention. It’s Elektra, sipping a martini. He tries to approach and a security guard catches him to escort him out. On the way to the door, Elektra stops them and says, “He’s with me.”

At Matt’s apartment in the present, Elektra criticizes Matt’s beer choices and dodges his questions about why she’s here. She first says she missed him but he doesn’t believe her. She popped by since she was in New York for a meeting but Matt insists she leave. Elektra apologizes for her choices and says she is alone in the world. She tells him about her father’s work with the Roxxon Corporation and now they hold most of his wealth. She needs Matthew’s help to get the money back. Matt claims there isn’t enough time to get the money back and she shouldn’t break into his house and talk about fun. Matt insists she doesn’t know him anymore and she won’t ever again. She’s disappointed and he kicks her out.

Foggy sits in the office and reads about The Punisher in the newspaper. Foggy offers up some peach cobbler for breakfast and they reflect on their lack of clients for a moment, which Matt apologizes for. Foggy hopes that The Punisher being off the street means Reyes will go easy on them now. Karen walks in with coffee and has an awkward greeting with Matt, which Foggy catches. She goes on to reveal that she wants to investigate The Punisher and why no newspapers are reporting on his family or bullet to the head. Foggy and Matt are mad at her for breaking into Frank’s house. She claims something big is going on and it all circles back to Frank Castle. Foggy doesn’t want any part of it. Matt admits he doesn’t think she’s wrong but he doesn’t want her to get hurt. Karen changes to the topic to last night and Matt makes jokes before saying he’s looking forward to dinner tonight. Foggy barges in, excited about a deposit in their bank account. Matt gets awkward and asks them not to spend it.

10 years ago, Matt and Elektra sit at a bar and Matt orders them drinks. Elektra insists on ordering her own. She belittles Matt, saying he’s predictable and wants to belong somewhere outside of his ramen and video games, ultimately calling him dumb. Matt comes back, saying, “The game is just beginning.” He claims that despite all of her money she’s bored enough to study a stranger’s shoes. He claims her daddy’s money can’t buy her the one thing she really needs, which is the unexpected. “Maybe you’re not so dumb,” she says before introducing herself. They leave the bar together and head to her Ferarri outside. She says it’s hers, until they get caught.

Mr. Tower enters the office and insists on talking to Foggy privately. He wants all of the files in the Grotto case and in return he’ll have Reyes take them off of her shit list. Foggy insists it would be a dangerous legal move to hand over the files without a subpeoana. Mr. Tower hints that Foggy could find himself working in the DA’s office is he cooperates but Foggy still requests a subpeona.

Matt walks down the street and listens to people checking into the Yakatomi Building, tightly gripping his cane.

10 years ago, he and Elektra head to a gym. Matt recognizes the place and knows nothing has moved. He tells Elektra it was his dad who was the boxer, not him. He comes here for the memories because prior to being blind he saw his father fight. He was eventually killed by organized crime. Elektra is curious as she rolls into the ring. He reveals that Roscoe Sweeney gave the order to kill his father and he made an effort to find the guy. She tells Matt he is more than he lets on. She swings a foot at him but he dodges it. She questions how and wonders if he can see. He tells her it’s complicated before she shows off some impressive moves. He claims she only told him about ballet lessons not fighting. He smacks her ass and sends her behind him, leading to a more intense fight and eventually a kiss. Things escalate quickly on the ring mat.

Matt comes back to reality outside of the building and heads down an alley, ditching his cane and climbing some scaffolding to the top of the building. He listens to an elevator. Through a nearby window, he sees Elektra enter a conference room with the Roxxon Corporation. They introduce her to the man who will apparently explain to her the things she wants to know.

Karen investigates the Frank Castle article at a a media headquarters and questions the writer about why he wrote it so inaccurately. He insists it was corroborated by multiple sources, including NYPD. He claims that there is no evidence of his military history but she reveals she saw his medals and photos. She goes on to tell him Frank had a family. The journalist had no idea about any of this. She admits she doesn’t know what happened but she wants to look through his files to figure it out. He shows Karen a closet full of files because their computers were wiped during the incident and laughs that Ben Urich is getting a kick out of all of this somewhere.

Elektra talks to the men at the table and questions what they do. Phones in the room start to ring and the men look startled. They ask her if they can meet again at another time. Matt was listening the whole time.

Foggy gets a drink at their bar and is joined by Marci. He wants to catch up and have a drink but she is mad that she hasn’t heard from him in months. Foggy reveals he is a bit bothered by Matt and Karen dating and that they’re losing clients because of Reyes. Marci realizes she wasn’t called for a social drink but for help. She tells Foggy that Reyes has her sights on the Mayor’s office and she’s using the Castle case as her pedestal. She reveals that Jessica Jones is already being targeted and next up is Daredevil. She thinks Reyes’ plan is going to work.

Karen digs through papers and files. The bearded journalist joins her and tells her it has been three hours. She hasn’t found anything. He tells her that people get shot everyday and it doesn’t always make the paper but if the Castles aren’t in the paper it’s because someone wanted to keep it quiet. He suddenly remembers a gang shooting and shows her the news and she recognizes the merry-go-round in the photo as the one in Frank’s family photo.

Karen and Matt have dinner together. It’s a little awkward as they make small talk. She runs to the bathroom and tells him to order something fantastic. The waiter approaches and Matt asks which wine would be the most impressive but the man hands him a phone with a call from Elektra. She can see him and she ultimately “fires” him.

10 years ago, Matt and Elektra arrive at a mansion in an expensive sports car. The house is one of her father’s associates’. They bust in by breaking the door. Elektra talks about her lifestyle as she slices cheese on Matt, who is laying on the counter top. Matt questions if the lifestyle is good and she says it is fantastic but she would trade it all in, “for a life time of smelling your skin.” They share a drink before Elektra smashes her glass on the floor, then another, and another, and another, prompting Matt to grab her. He takes a glass from her and smashes it on the ground. Matt hears someone coming and Elektra insists everything will be fine. He hears her drop him and goes to investigate. He finds her holding Roscoe Sweeney down at his throat with her heels.

Today, Matt is standoffish with Karen. He claims he doesn’t like this place and wants to leave. Karen thinks it’s her but he insists it isn’t. She takes him to a very ethnic place and they are much happier having dinner there. They reflect on the city and food and other small talk things leading their conversation to how the city makes them feel safe and how cool the rainbow lit ceiling looks.

Later, they walk home to Karen’s place. They sit down outside and have an awkward pause before Matt joyously declares, “Alright, I’m gonna kiss you,” and does. Karen invites him upstairs. He would love to but he won’t tonight. He wants to tell her why. It’s because he has this “incredible ability to bring disaster to the best things in his life and tonight has been perfect.” If he stops now, he gets to keep this one perfect night and the chance of keeping it going tomorrow and the day after. Lots of kisses. And the day after that, and that, and so on, according to their conversation. Karen rules it is time to say goodnight, so they do, and she heads up to her apartment with a smile. Matt puts his glasses on and heads home. ALong the way, he hears crime and sirens.

10 years ago, Sweeney is tied to a chair. Elektra circles him with a knife. He insists that when he gets out he will hunt them down. Elektra tells Matt she found him in Monte Carlo. Sweeney insists they’re both dead. Elektra explains that he had to come out of the shadows eventually. Elektra hits him with the knife and says Matt will hit him next. Sweeney insists Matt doesn’t “have it in him.” Matt tells Sweeney that he killed his father and Sweeney says he killed a lot of guys dads. Matt unleashes a few hellish punches on him and knocks a few teeth out. Elektra encourages him and calls him by his name. Sweeney says he’ll bloody the streets with him like he did his old man and Elektra loves it. She tells Matt to end it and keep going. She tells him to cut Sweeney’s throat and kill him. Matt doesn’t want to and says he can’t. Elektra insists they can do anything together. He drops the knife. Elektra is repulsed, saying, “I thought you understood me.” Matt calls the police and tells them he has the location of a wanted felon. The responder asks for the address, he realizes Elektra is gone, and tosses the phone aside.

Today, Matt walks into Elektra’s apartment. He came to ask her a question. He asks why she took him to that mansion. She tells him, “for fun.” She claims she didn’t push him into anything and he didn’t kill anyone. Matt tells her to stop acting like she has a window into his soul. She says there is a glorious darkness inside of him, which is why she took him to Roscoe Sweeney’s and why she loved him. She claims he loved her, too. Matt hears people coming and a silenced gun. Elektra calmly goes to get changed. She reveals that it is the Yakuza coming for her following her infiltration at the Roxxon building today. Matt insists she is manipulating him. She opens up a bag and has his Daredevil costume inside and asks, “Do I need to push you this time?”

Next Episode –>