
David S. Goyer Cites Man Of Steel’s Comic Book Influences

When watching the Man Of Steel trailers, many comic book fans have noted the similarities of […]
John Byrne's Krypton

When watching the Man Of Steel trailers, many comic book fans have noted the similarities of certain scenes and dialogue to previous Superman comic book storylines. In a Reddit AMA, Man Of Steel writer David S. Goyer revealed some of the comic books that influenced his writing of the Man Of Steel script.When asked if John Bryne’s Krypton had an influence on his approach, David S. Goyer replied, “Byrne’s Krypton was definitely an influence, but not the only influence. Was also influenced by Alan Moore’s stuff. All Star Superman. Geoff Johns’ stuff. Even the old Curt Swan stuff.”When asked if the tone of films based on comic books is changing, David S. Goyer answered, “Yes, I think films are changing because of comic books. And yes, I think that…that’s a good thing. It used to be that Hollywood have a very preconceived notion about what a comic book film should be — basically, the Dick Tracy film, with lots of primary colors. I’d like to think that Blade and Batman Begins helped change that. In a way, I think comic book films are just catching up to where comic books have been for the last 20 or 30 years.”As far as who would win in a fight between Batman and Blade, David S. Goyer responded, “Batman would kick the s*** out of Blade. I mean, come on. Given a head start and some planning, Batman might even be able to take down Superman. Seriously, are you REALLY asking that question?????”As far as the pressure surrounding Man Of Steel, David S. Goyer said, “Sure, there’s a ton of pressure surrounding Man of Steel. WB has a lot riding on it – not just the Superman franchise, but the future of DC movies. More importantly, I think Zack, myself, Henry — we just really want to give the fans the Superman film they deserve. The kind of Superman film I dreamed about making since I saw the first Donner film. I HOPE people like it as much as we do. Knock on wood.”