It’s been two weeks since Free Comic Book Day, the annual event designed to drive traffic into direct market comic book stores by offering free books without condition. The event has typically not been acknowledged digitally, but that has changed a bit this year.Following DC Comics’ decision the week of Free Comic Book Day to make All-Star Superman #1 available as a free download, Dark Horse has made its Free Comic Book Day titles available through their digital comics app, and now DC has done the same, offering DC Comics – The New 52 #1 and the DC Nation/Superman Family Adventures Flipbook available free digitally through ComiXology.While the flipbook follows Free Comic Book Day convention of being a fairly done-in-one story, the New 52 FCBD special is a lead into The Trinity War (referred to on DC’s blog as The Trinity Wars, a change not reflected in the digital copy of the book).
DC Comics Makes Free Comic Book Day Issues Available Digitally
It’s been two weeks since Free Comic Book Day, the annual event designed to drive traffic into […]