Yesterday, Zero Hour writer Dan Jurgens talked about his fondness for James Robinson’s revolutionary 1990s take on the classic DC hero Starman.During his years on Starman, Robinson reinvented not only the title character, but a number of other C- and D-list DC heroes and villains as well, most notably the Golden Age villain The Shade, who was reintroduced as kind of a grumpy anti-hero, more concerned with being left alone in his beautiful retirement city than with much of anything else.Robinson has returned to The Shade for a “final great adventure” kind of tale, set in the rebuilt timeline of the New 52, and the final chapter of that year-long adventure comes out tomorrow. DC Comics has provided fans with a preview on their blog, The Source, which can be seen below.”It’s been a long year coming, and at times a year fraught with the fear we wouldn’t get to Issue 12,” Robinson says in a retrospective interview at the blog that will hopefully be included in the series’ eventually hardcover, “but here we are at the end of the series in a tale of the Shade’s origin told my myself, Gene Ha and Art Lyon. I’ve loved writing this series; returning to an old friend yet sending him on a new journey that I feel was fresh and unfamiliar for readers and showed the character has more facets than just a shadowy resident of Opal City. I’ve had a blast, not just with the Shade but also all the new characters I’ve created and introduced along the way. I hope you enjoyed them too.”
DC Comics Previews The Shade #12 by Robinson and Ha
Yesterday, Zero Hour writer Dan Jurgens talked about his fondness for James Robinson’s […]