
DC Comics’s Futures End September Event: What Do We Know?

This September, DC Comics will publish 41 stand-alone issues tying into The New 52: Futures End. […]

This September, DC Comics will publish 41 stand-alone issues tying into The New 52: Futures End. In each of the one-shots, creators will put DC characters through a prospective five-year time jump that will give a sense for where the heroes might stand in that time.The world of Futures End is already starting to fall apart at its seams in five years, so it’s distinctly possible that most of these stories will be pretty dire — and as it is whenever time travel is involved, there can be some pretty big, surprising and even wacky ideas at play.The list of titles and creators released today, along with the covers released for Week 1 and Week 2 titles of the crossover, have given us a fair amount of information to work with, though, and we wanted to run down some of our thoughts.

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