While the Internet Movie Database is rarely a reliable resource as it relates to as-yet-unreleased films–its user-edited nature makes it hard to be sure what’s “official” and not–recent changes to the long-dormant entry for Deadpool are interesting in light of this week’s reports of an X-Force movie.Specifically, the site now lists Deadpool as announced for 2016, whereas previous iterations of the movie’s page have had it as “rumored” or as announced for previous dates that came and went during its long road to production.The entry also lists Tim Miller, the visual effects supervisor from Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, as the film’s director–although based on IMDb he also seems to have the same name as Tim Miller, who did visual effects on X-Men and X2: X-Men United, so it’s possible someone may have their wires crossed, assuming there’s any credibility to the reports. All things considered, that’s a lot of room for error.We probably won’t know for sure until Comic-Con, though; after spilling some X-Force details, it sounds like Rob Liefeld is finished talking about this until after some official announcements have been made.”I appreciate all the X-Force questions, but even a mouth as loud as mine must respect the big picture and leave details to the filmmakers,” the artist tweeted last night.
Deadpool Movie Listed As “Announced” For 2016 on IMDb
While the Internet Movie Database is rarely a reliable resource as it relates to as-yet-unreleased […]