star Matt Smith will not appear in 2014’s episodes, wrapping his run on the series at the end of this year, the BBC announced today. After four years as the Time Lord on the BBC One show, viewers will see Smith’s Doctor regenerate in the 2013 Christmas special.Smith, who has repeatedly said that he didn’t see the show as a particularly long-term job, was rumored to be leaving Doctor Who earlier this year, but rumors of his imminent departure have dogged him for most of 2013. Back in 2011, he hinted that he may leave after 2012, though, so that’s arguably not surprising.”Every day, on every episode, in every set of rushes, Matt Smith surprised me. The way he’d turn a line, or spin on his heels, or make something funny, or out of nowhere make me cry – I just never knew what was coming next,” said showrunner Steven Moffat. “The Doctor can be clown and hero – often at the same time – and Matt rose to both challenges magnificently. And even better than that, given the pressures of this extraordinary show, he is one of the nicest and hardest-working people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Whatever we threw at him – sometimes literally – his behaviour was always worthy of the Doctor.””It’s been an honour to play this part, to follow the legacy of brilliant actors, and helm the Tardis for a spell with ‘the ginger, the nose and the impossible one’. But when ya gotta go, ya gotta go,” said Smith.Rumor has it that Jenna-Louise Coleman, who plays the Doctor’s companion, will remain on the show, at least for the time being. How John Hurt, who was introduced as a new Doctor at the end of Series 7, will play into the move is unclear.His previous companion, Karen Gillan, was just last night announced as joining the cast of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
Doctor Who’s Matt Smith to Leave After Christmas Special
Doctor Who star Matt Smith will not appear in 2014’s episodes, wrapping his run on the series at […]