
Doug Jones Talks New Fantastic Four & Silver Surfer

The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Silver Surfer’s real name is Doug Jones. The actor […]

The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Silver Surfer’s real name is Doug Jones. The actor is invests heavily into his roles, so naturally, the Silver Surfer and Fantastic Four characters are precious to him.

Earlier today, we had a chance to talk with Jones exclusively and get his take on the new Fantastic Four reboot from Fox.

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You were the Silver Surfer years ago. First of all, as a comic book fan, I have to tell you how cool that is. With Fox’s Fantastic Four reboot coming up, I know it’s unlikely to bring back components from an older movie universe, but if you were offered the chance to come back is that something you would be interested in?

I always have been interested, yeah. In fact, when I did the original Fantastic Four sequel, The Rise of the Silver Surfer, as the Silver Surfer, my contract was a three picture deal. They had plans of bringing me back then. It had a certain number of years term on it that is passed now. I originally was in for more and excited for more. If they came back now and said “We want you to be the Silver Surfer,” I’d jump at it.

I saw somebody put something up on Twitter the other day, like here’s the new casting choices for the new Spider-Man. It was a picture of three babies! [Laughs] They’re just casting younger, and younger, and younger, and younger, and younger! And when I looked at the new Fantastic Four cast, they’re zygotes! They’re tiny little things! So, it looks like it’s out with the old in with the new. I’m not holding my breathe to be invited back but I certainly would if I were.

Have you seen the new Fantastic Four trailer?

I did! On the webbernet those kids are using!

You must be a Fantastic Four fan, having been in the movie. What do you think of this one?

I didn’t hate it at all because the first two movies were more lighthearted, family friendly, silly, along with the cartoon I watched as a kid. This looks more toward the trend of darker comic book movies with more gravity and it’s big! You know? We’ll see how that plays out. That always gets us excited and makes us want to help them with their issues. Maybe it might work, I don’t know.

I heard there were talks of a Silver Surfer solo movie a few years ago. What happened with that?

My understanding was, that was a part of that three picture deal that never panned out. J. Michael Strazynski did write a script for the spinoff and whatever happened with that script – that’s when I lost touch and I don’t know. I never saw the script. I never read it. I just heard that it had been done and I just thought, “If JM is doing it it’s gonna be alright!” The talk just kind of faded and all the sudden there’s a reboot, so TAA DAA!


Now that we know how close we were to a Silver Surfer movie does it make you wish it came to be? The Silver Surfer is still a possibility for the Fantastic Four. Would you want to see the character return or Jones take on the role again?

For more from our interview with Doug Jones, click here!