
Dweebcast Looks At Geek Fashion

Thanks to major developments in both fashion and costume design, it’s not just hip to be […]
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Thanks to major developments in both fashion and costume design, it’s not just hip to be square, but fashionable too.

In the latest episode of Dweebcast, the web series explores the budding convergence between high fashion and nerd-dom. As the episode highlights, female fans now have more than the simple t-shirt to express their genre love. Thanks to fashion designers that know as much about the Dark Phoenix as they do about fashion and apparel, they can now wear professionally crafted and designed clothing that channels each character’s inner spirit.

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Check out the full video below, where the show’s hosts weave through the world of superpowered outfits and visit a geek fashion show.

One thing’s for certain: These aren’t Melvin Potter’s outfits.