As part of IDW Publishing’s month-long variant cover program, celebrating the return of ROM, Spaceknight in July, the publisher has provided ComicBook.com with an exclusive first look at their covers for Back to the Future #10.
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The series, set in the world of the hit movie trilogy, is co-written by Back to the Future creator Bob Gale.
“I said, ‘If we’re going to do this, let’s go back to the characters. Let’s do stories suggested by the movies, by the characters,’” Gale told us during an interview before the series launched. “‘People have always asked how did Mary and Doc first meet? That’s a good story. Let’s do that in the first issue. People have asked, how did Doc Brown’s house actually burn down? Was it a fire insurance scam? What was that? In issue #2 we tell that story. Issue #3, people have asked, wouldn’t have George and Lorraine wanted to find out what happened to Calvin Klein?’ Well, we deal with that in issue #3. These are all things that are suggested by the movies, suggested by people thinking about the world of the movies, and I think that our fans are going to be very very happy with the way these things are turning out. I certainly am. These comics are exceeding my expectations.”
Two fo the three July covers feature ROM, who presumably won’t actually appear in the issue. The main cover
Back to the Future #10: Continuum Conundrum Part 5
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a & c)
DOC’S STORY! Is he a man out of time? A visitor from another reality? An alien? A robot? Eighteen hyper-intelligent hamsters in a rubber human suit? Well, definitely not the last one—but the mystery of memoryless Doc Brown is solved… just in time for things to really get exciting.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back to the Future #10: Continuum Conundrum Part 5—Subscription Variant
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a) • Philip Murphy (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Back to the Future #10: Continuum Conundrum Part 5—ROM Variant
Bob Gale, John Barber (w) • Marcelo Ferreira (a) • Alex Sanchez (c)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99