One of the many criticisms of ComiXology’s digital comics being stored on the cloud and not actually delivered to the reader as a downloadable product that they can use across their devices is the idea that publishers can enter already-published products and “tinker.”But like when George Lucas decided that Han Solo “never shot first“, it’s often controversial with the fans when content providers revisit their product to decide that, for example, Tim Drake was never Robin or certain characters never existed at all. That’s something that DC admits to having changed at the ComiXology level as well as in their collected editions, making physical, single-issue comics the only form of storytelling immune to the publisher’s whims if they later think better of what they already printed.That’s where yesterday’s Batman: Li’l Gotham Halloween special comes in, a 99 cent digital comic that, frankly, has probably already given DC and the readers a bit more agita than it was worth.
Fans Baffled By DC Comics’s Move to Remove Stephanie Brown–Again
One of the many criticisms of ComiXology’s digital comics being stored on the cloud and not […]