During the Talking Dead on AMC, many fans were shocked not by something that happened during The Walking Dead, but rather by something that took place during a commercial break. With Paul Walker having died tragically on Saturday, the last thing most fans were expecting was to see him racing a car on TV.During a Talking Dead break, a commercial aired promoting the Fast & Furious 6 on Blu-Ray and DVD. The clip showed a close-up of Paul Walker driving at a high rate of speed, mixed with car crashes and explosions. For many fans, it was a very inappropriate commercial to air a day after Paul Walker’s death.While a lot of people appear to be noticing the commercials now because Walking Dead and Talking Dead attract a large number of viewers, there have been reports of the Fast & Furious 6 commercials running on other networks on different shows.Of course, the Fast & Furious 6 commercials were likely scheduled weeks in advance of Paul Walker’s death. Still, several fans have turned to Twitter to express their shock, sadness, and in some cases outrage over no one having pulled the Fast & Furious 6 commercials from airing yet.
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Your can’t broadcast a Fast & the Furious commercial the day after Paul Walker dies. #NotRight
— Brock Givens (@BrockGivens23) December 2, 2013
Ugh I just saw a commercial for the Fast & Furious 6 DVD. My heart stopped. #toosoon
— Traci Coulter (@tracicoulter) December 2, 2013
Irony. Just a commercial for DVD release of fast and the furious on Talking Dead
— Glenn Pinel (@Glepin) December 2, 2013
Did I just see a dvd commercial for Fast and the Furious? Give his family a cotton picking minute! #rude #RIPPaulWalker #FUUniversalStudios
— Petrey (@Petrey) December 2, 2013