In a new interview with Fandango, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn discusses the challenges of bringing some of Marvel’s lesser-known heroes to the screen.He says, in part, that it’s a bit liberating to have a property where he’s given the freedom to be himself, since he’s the kind of director who’s most at home when he’s molding the content to his style.”At the risk of sounding pompous, because it’s going to be filtered through me, it’s going to be its own thing no matter what,” Gunn said. “But I think it was a chance to do something that really could make people feel like I felt when I was a young kid and saw these big spectacular space epics and give them something of that. And that was an exciting thing to be able to do.”
Guardians of the Galaxy Director James Gunn Wants to Run Marvel Cosmic
In a new interview with Fandango, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn discusses the […]