
Hancock 2 Moving Forward? Will Smith and Peter Berg Seem to Think So.

You know how sometimes you meet someone new at a party?  You hit it off quickly, have a great […]

You know how sometimes you meet someone new at a party?  You hit it off quickly, have a great couple of hours chatting and laughing it up, then you rush home, become Facebook friends and then!…never speak really after that.  Those kind of things happen now and then, not only in life but in our entertainment as well.  Think about this idea if you will.  New “chatter” has surfaced, thanks to our friends over at Comic Book Movie, that serious discussion and ideas for a sequel to the critically-hated but popular with the film goers 2008 movie Hancock are indeed moving forward.Right after the Will Smith-starring film struck box office gold, talk surfaced in 2009 of ideas for a sequel that focused on the verbally abrasive, hard drinking “superhero” with flight and near-indestructible body structure.  But, much like that friend you made at the party, the talk went nowhere.  Now, according to director of the first film Peter Berg, ideas are in the works, and star Will Smith has a few ideas about what should happen for the next film.  “We’ve been talking about the sequel between us, Will Smith, [producers] Michael Mann and Akiva Goldsman and myself,” said Berg. “We’re all interested, but we literally just have trouble getting into the same room at the same time. We did have a series of meetings last year and started to hash out an idea for sequel — and Will Smith actually had the idea — so I think it will happen, it’s just a question of timing.”One big question that remains up in the air is whether or not the relationship between Smith’s character and Charlize Theron’s character in the first film will be explored further.  The idea was certainly there a couple of years ago, but where does it stand now?  A bigger question would be does this film even need to happen?  Should that old friendship be rekindled, or are some things just better left at that party?

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