Earlier today, El Mayimbe of Latino Review claimed on Fox News Latino that Harrison Ford would return as Han Solo in the new Star Wars movies. El Mayimbe said, “His deal is done. It’s just a formality right now, they haven’t really announced it yet.” The story has since spread across the Internet like wildfire, becoming a trending topic on Twitter and Yahoo’s homepage.As of yet, no one from Disney or Lucasfilm has refuted the report. Several news outlets have also reportedly reached out to Harrison Ford’s reps and there has been no denial from his camp.While many major media outlets have picked up the story, others have kept quiet. While no official report appears on Entertainment Weekly’s website, EW writer Geoff Boucher tweeted a denial that a deal was done. Boucher tweeted, “Harrison Ford deal? My source says not yet. ‘It will not be for weeks and perhaps months.’”Of course, Boucher isn’t denying that Harrison Ford will return as Han Solo, but he’s just denying the new reports that a deal is done. Odds are Harrison Ford will return as Han Solo, what’s in dispute is whether he has actually signed a contract or not.
Harrison Ford Has Not Signed To Play Han Solo In New Star Wars According To EW Writer
Earlier today, El Mayimbe of Latino Review claimed on Fox News Latino that Harrison Ford would […]