At the end of last week’s Building 26 episode of Heroes, Parkman, Peter, and Mohinder kidnapped Noah Bennett, aka, HRG.The preview for this week was all about HRG.Is he a hero?Is he a villain?We’ll find out!Well, not really.Because HRG is, well, HRG.He’s admittedly in a ‘morally gray’ area.And that’s why I’ll say something that no one else is saying: HRG cares about one thing and one thing only: HRG.This is a man that repeatedly had his wife’s memories erased.He seems to have zero relationship with his biological son.Yet he acts as if his adopted daughter Claire is the most special thing in the world.Well, I’m telling you that HRG doesn’t care about Claire.He may act like it, but he doesn’t.My guess is that he pretends to protect her because she’s extremely important.And if something happens to her, HRG is in some deep doo-doo.HRG is looking out for himself, and that’s it.Here is a quick synopsis of the episode.Be sure to check out the end of the column when I give my predictions.Parkman, Peter, and Mohinder have HRG strapped to a chair at some low rent motel.It looked like a one bed place, which made me think “Why the heck don’t they get themselves a better place?” And then I realized that none of the three probably have any cash.With the government knowing their identities, those three probably have little money at all.I’m surprised we didn’t see some dollar menu McDonald’s items in the background.
Heroes Recap: Cold Wars
At the end of last week’s Building 26 episode of Heroes, Parkman, Peter, and Mohinder kidnapped […]