In another armor reveal earlier today at the Iron Man 3 Facebook page, the Deep Space Armor that’s caused so much conversation since word of its existence first leaked in January is nicknamed “Gemini.”Also Mark XXXIX, the Sub Orbital Suit–which suggests that it’s not meant for ACTUAL deep space. A sub-orbital space flight is a spaceflight in which the spacecraft reaches space, but its trajectory intersects the atmosphere or surface of the gravitating body from which it was launched, so that it does not complete one orbital revolution.Basically, that means it would function a lot better in the scenario that nearly killed Iron Man at the end of Marvel’s The Avengers, but wouldn’t allow him to independently fly through space like we see him doing in Guardians of the Galaxy #1, out today from Marvel Comics.The idea that the suit is sub-orbital seems to discount the notion of his ending up in Guardians of the Galaxy (the movie), something that the director of that film has suggested was never in the cards. Still, he’s developed something like 30 armors between Marvel’s The Avengers and Iron Man 3. Who’s to say he won’t make another one before the next movie?
Iron Man 3’s Deep Space Armor Named Gemini
In another armor reveal earlier today at the Iron Man 3 Facebook page, the Deep Space Armor that’s […]