Marvel Comics has been teasing that they will make history when they announce Peter Parker’s replacement as Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe. Usually, when someone claims an event of historic significance then you can count on it being a first something (first woman, first African-American, etc.).Over at Bleeding Cool, they’ve been predicting the possibility of a black Spider-Man for some time now, and we think they are probably on to something. As they noted, there has been much online buzz over a teaser image released by Marvel Comics that shows Spider-Man in process of un-masking. The teaser image only shows a shadowy image of the neck of Spider-Man, but when you brighten up the image (as we have), it sure does look like an African-American neck.In addition to the neck image, the fact that Marvel Comics is making such a big deal of the announcement gives credibility to the possibility of a black Spider-Man. Series writer Brian Michael Bendis has already tweeted that the announcement will be made on Tuesday morning in USA Today.
Is Black Spider-Man Coming Soon?
Marvel Comics has been teasing that they will make history when they announce Peter Parker’s […]