Movie producer and perennial hype man Adi Shankar riled up the Judge Dredd fanbase last week when he announced his intentions to make a sequel to Dredd. Now it seems those claims were just that, and won’t amount to much else.
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The Karl Urban-starring film received critical praise but wasn’t a financial success, the only metric that truly matters when it comes to potential box office franchises.
But Shankar might have spoke out of turn when he said he’d work to “make it happen at some point,” as evident by the clarification provided to Screen Geek by Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley.
“While we truly do appreciate Adi’s enthusiasm for Judge Dredd, he has no involvement with the franchise and any future cinematic or small screen outings,” Kingsley said. “Claims of him pushing forward a sequel to DREDD are not true and we don’t want fans to get excited only to have their hopes dashed.”
While Kingsley might have crushed that rumor before it could pick up steam, he did offer a glimmer of possibility for the character’s return to movies.
“2000 AD and Rebellion continue to work hard to bring the future’s greatest lawman back to screens,” he added.
But whether that means the film would be another reboot or a sequel to the 2012 film is uncertain at this point. The only thing that is certain is that Shankar spoke too soon without having much stake in the character’s future. His next project will be the animated Castlevania cartoon for Netflix, written with comics superstar Warren Ellis.
Sorry folks, move along. Nothing to see here.
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