
Man of Steel: New TV Spot Features a Ton of Action

We’ll just get this out of the way ahead of time: Is that Black Zero (Zod’s squid-like ship from […]
Black Zero or Brainiac's Ship

We’ll just get this out of the way ahead of time: Is that Black Zero (Zod’s squid-like ship from the previous ads, once thought to be Starro), or Brainiac’s skull-ship in the image at right? We’re betting on the former, but the latter will likely find some traction given that it looks like that might be a shot from the final days of Krypton.In any event, there’s a new UK TV spot out for Man of Steel; having debuted at Yahoo!, who provided the embed, it’s spreading like wildfire on the Internet because, well…action!There’s been a lot of crticism in the past that the Superman films didn’t have enough fighting in them. It doesn’t seem like that’ll be a problem here…