
Man of Steel: The Regan Alicia Solved?

One of the first mysteries to emerge in the run-up to the release of Man of Steel was what, […]
Regan Alicia

One of the first mysteries to emerge in the run-up to the release of Man of Steel was what, exactly “Regan Alicia” was.The boat, pictured at left, was prominently featured in the first couple of trailers for the film, which focused on Clark Kent, his identity crisis and his travels. What it meant, though, wasn’t immediately clear even to the hardened Super-fans that spend way too much time talking about that kind of thing on the Internet.At, we have talked about it on a couple of occasions ourselves, but never really came up with a theory we felt too good about.If you’ll remember, the other boat prominently featured in the promotional campaign was named after the director’s wife, so thinking there could be a message hidden in the Regan Alicia wasn’t so unreasonable.Well, late last night we got an e-mail from a reader, claiming he’d figured out the “code” and that it tied back to a few villainous young ladies on Smallville. That might seem unlikely, except when you consider that the set designers (and, heck, casting people) seemed to hide quite a few Smallville references in the film.Check out his theory below, and thanks to “Dual Universal Soul” for sharing!

I found out the “Regan Alicia” connection. The answer is in the tv series Smallville! Characters: Regan Matthews & Alicia Baker. “Regan” Matthews was an exec at LexCorp with info on something called “Project Prometheus”, Regan died in the series.”Alicia” Baker is a young lady who had the meta-human ability of teleportation, which she gained from exposure to a meteorite.She also found out about Clark’s secret powers & vulnerability to kryptonite, specificly red kryptonite. Clark & Alicia dated and were also married briefly (marriage wasn’t legal). Alicia was mentally unstable, obsessed with Clark, she tried to kill Lana Lang and was framed for two murders. Clark learned that his mistrust of Alicia (murders) was unfounded, the pair parted ways after some near death fiascoes. Alicia also revealed Clark’s secret to Chloe. Clark & Alicia first met at LexCorp and both attended school together.