
New Amazing Spider-Man Trailer Reveals Major Origin Change

Every comic book fan knows the origin story of Spider-Man. Teenager Peter Parker was accidentally […]
radiocative spider bite

Every comic book fan knows the origin story of Spider-Man. Teenager Peter Parker was accidentally bitten by a radioactive spider, which gave him incredible powers. Earlier this year, Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb hinted that there might be some major changes in store for Spider-Man’s origin story. He even suggested the possibility that the spider that bites Peter Parker might not be radioactive.Now, the most recent trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man seems to confirm that Marc Webb wasn’t kidding about shaking up Peter Parker’s origin. In the trailer, Dr. Connors can be heard saying, “Do you think what happened to you Peter was an accident? Do you have any idea what you really are?”By what happened to Peter, we bet Dr. Connors isn’t talking about him spilling coffee on his pants. Yes, it looks like that accidental spider-bite might not have been so accidental. And if the spider-bite was no accident, then that raises the earlier question of if the spider was radioactive. Could Spider-Man have been bitten by a spider that was purposefully injected with some sort of serum? Could it be that Spider-Man was purposefully created?The Amazing Spider-Man is set to arrive in theaters on July 3, 2012.