
Comic Characters With Epic Facial Hair

If you notice more men rocking a mustache than usual this month, it’s because of ‘Movember’, an […]

If you notice more men rocking a mustache than usual this month, it’s because of “Movember”, an annual event raising awareness for men’s health. Over 5 million men and women choose not to shave in November to help raise money for a variety of health causes, including prostate and testicular cancer research, mental health awareness, and suicide prevention.

Of course, Movember results in some epic facial hair stylings as some participants get creative with their mustaches and beards.

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If you’re looking for some Movember inspiration, why not look to comics for some facial hair tips? We’ve racked our brain and come up with five of the best beards and mustaches in all of comics.

movember slide

Dr. Strange

What better way to kick off Movember than by going to see Dr. Strange, one of Marvel’s first facial hair rocking superheroes?

Dr. Strange originally woreย a unique mustache with four points, but he’s also had several other interesting looks over the years. Strange has worn a traditional handlebar mustache, a Vincent Price-styled mustache, a small soul patch, and a full goatee.ย 

It seems that the mystic side of the Marvel Universe is filled with unique facial hair, as many of Strange’s allies have also had….strange beards and mustaches.

The Ancient One usually hasย a pointed beard, while his arch-nemesis Baron Mordo is usually sporting a beard with a wacky design that screams “evil supervillain”. Mephisto, Kaluu, and countless other evil sorcerers also have facial hair of some kind, usually molded into an exotic design. ย 

dr strange


Green Arrow

How popular is Green Arrow’s goatee? When the character received a reboot in the New 52, many fans were upset that he only had stubble instead of his traditional look.ย 

Although Green Arrow was originally clean-shaven in his Golden Age and early Silver Age appearances, artist Neal Adams gave him a Van Dyke-style beard to differentiate him from other archer superheroes. The Van Dyke was an instant hit and quickly became associated with Green Arrow’s turn into a liberal counterculture superhero protecting the common man from the corrupt elite and societal problems.ย 

When DC updated the character’s design earlier this year, it decided to bring back Green Arrow’s epic goatee as well as his romance with Black Canary. For the first time in years, fans feel that Green Arrow is finally whole again now that his facial hair is back to its normal luster.

green arrow



Marvel’s famous fighting Frenchman, Batroc is known for his extraordinary leaping ability and comically oversized mustache and styled goatee.

Batroc is a known user of mustache wax, as he curls his mustache and points his beard to make it clear that he’s a supervillain. If he wasn’t leaping around kicking Captain America in the face, we imagine Batroc would be tying up helpless damsels to train tracks while his dog snickered behind him.

Sadly, while Batroc appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, MMA fighter/actor Georges St-Pierre opted for a more traditional goatee instead of the longer mustache. We’re not sure if Marvel Studios didn’t think that a world filled with aliens, Norse gods, and magic could handle an epic mustache or if they were concerned that fans would automatically cheer for the dude with the better facial hair.




It’s a wonder that the Green Lantern Corps ever allowed Sinestro into their ranks, as his pencil mustache is a pretty obvious sign that he has nothing but evil in his heart. When coupled with his sculpted eyebrows and widow’s peak hairstyle, Sinestro is exactly what you’d think an intergalactic dictator would look like.

Sinestro is one of the few characters in comics who hasn’t gotten a major redesign….at least not in terms of facial hairs. Although his outfit has varied over the years, his mustache has been a constant since he first appeared in 1961. Even the much malignedย Green Lanternย movie got Sinestro’s mustache right, as actor Mark Strong nailed the whole “evil mustache” look. Although the rest of theย Green Lanternย movie was a rest, fans could look at Sinestro’s mustache and smile that at least the movie did something right.



Dum Dum Dugan

Dum Dum Dugan is the comic book equivalent to Ron Swanson: both are government employees with a burly frame and manly mustaches. Dugan was a former circus strongman, so it makes sense that he’d have the thick mustache to match. Dugan’s bushy, bright red mustache has been a staple in Marvel comics since the 1940s, proving that a great mustache never goes out of style.ย 

Dugan’s facial hair was so iconic, it even made the transition into live action. Actor Neil McDonough grew out his own mustache in order to bring Dum Dum to the big screen. While it wasn’t quite as bushy as Dugan’s comic book counterpart, McDonough’s mustache isย still one of the best facial hairstylesย in the Marvel Cinematic Universe….and in any comic book movie ever produced.ย 

dum dum dugan
