The next episode of Once Upon A Time, titled “Enter the Dragon,” finds undercover Regina (Lana Parrilla) at the café, where she meets with Maleficent (Kristin Bauer van Straten), Ursula (Merrin Dungey), and Cruella (Victoria Smurfit) to convince them that she’s still a villain – just like them.
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In a flashback, Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) finds Regina exploring Maleficent’s spell book. She’s ready for her revenge, and Rumple’s magic teachings haven’t been enough. He tells her that she’s rushing, and that the key to Maleficent’s skills is time. Nonetheless – he sends Regina to Maleficent’s palace.
The Not-so-Evil Queen goes on a road trip with Cruella and the others after one too many shots, where they’re testing Regina to see how tough she still is. After she loses a round of “don’t be a hero” on the train tracks, their night of debauchery continues.
Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin) and David (Josh Dallas) begin to worry that something has happened to Regina when she doesn’t return quickly, before the couple finds her. She explains that she needs time to learn their plans – some sort of “very powerful” secret.
In another flashback, Regina enters Maleficent’s palace to find a disheveled, depressed woman. She explains that she recently ended up on the wrong side of a story with Briar Rose, and it seems to have zapped her of all her spirit.
Even worse – Aurora is getting married nearby, making Regina all the more furious that the heroes keep getting happy endings. Maleficent reveals that her fire has gone out and that she can no longer turn into a dragon. Regina wants to use the royal wedding to inspire it back
In Storybrooke, Maleficent, Cruella, and Ursula meet with Rumple. He believes that Regina has been heartbroken enough to go evil again, and he cryptically adds, “When war hits Storybrooke, everyone will have to pick a side.”
Maleficent visits Regina later that day, explaining that the trio is also after the Author. Plus, they have leads that Regina does not. They’re willing to share them, if Regina will help them with some unmentioned task.
Later, Regina meets with the Charming family and Hook. She reveals the villains’ plan to reverse the Storybook entirely, so the heroes lose. Regina must go with Maleficent to steal something, and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) insists that she will follow.

Afterwards, Hook (Colin O’Donoghue) goes to the café to steal Belle (Emilie de Ravin) away from another date with Will (Michael Socha). He tells her his suspicion that Maleficent and the others are after the Dark One’s dagger. They could use the dagger to force the Dark One to find the Author. The two agree to hide it.
Maleficent takes Regina to Marco’s house, and then she explains that the magical object they need to steal is Pinocchio himself. Kidnapping the boy will prove to her that Regina is on their side. Emma watches from close by in her car.
Next, the flashback continues, with Regina taking Maleficent to the remnants of a forest that she (as the dragon) once burned. One tree remains, burning eternally. Maleficent tries to channel the fire back into her body, but when King Stefan and his guards appear, she still lacks the ability to transform.
The guards take them away, but Regina refuses to give up. She burns through the ropes that they’ve bound her hands with and begins to throw fireballs. When it seems as if she will lose the fight, Maleficent is suddenly able to transform into the dragon.
Maleficent and Regina go to the castle and find Aurora (Sarah Bolger), whom Maleficent puts under her legendary sleeping curse.
In the present – Regina knocks both Marco and Pinocchio unconscious, when Emma enters. She thinks that things have gone too far, but Regina swears to protect Pinocchio. The kidnapping convinces Maleficent that Regina is on their side. Before they leave, Regina drops her phone, so that Emma cannot follow her anymore.
Nearby, Belle is about to give Hook the dagger. She has a strange feeling that Rumple may already be in the city limits somehow, so Hook suggests that she try to conjure him. When Belle declares “Dark One, if you’re, come and face me,” no one appears. She gives the dagger to hook and leaves.
Hook breaks out in a slow smile, before a poof of magic reveals him to actually be Rumple. Later, “Hook” returns to Belle and the two make a pirate’s promise to never tell anyone where they’ve hidden the dagger. He pesters her about her new relationship with Will. She says that she could never be “over” Rumple, but for now, Will is making her somewhat happy.
The flashback continues, with Regina returning home to Rumple. He’s very impressed that she helped Maleficent regain her “fire,” and she realized that she already had the perfect teacher all along. Also, Regina now feels that there are fates worse than death – such as the sleeping curse.
At the end of the episode, Maleficent brings Regina to Rumple’s remote cabin. Regina is shocked to find him, dagger-in-hand. She acts cool, continuing her undercover persona.
Rumple uses magic to turn Pinocchio back into August, who might know more about the Author.