Much has been made over the last couple weeks about how Grown Ups 2 had been tracking well ahead of Pacific Rim. Many in the entertainment press have been calling for Pacific Rim to be the next big flop of summer.However, most recent indications are that Pacific Rim is quickly gaining box office ground, while Grown Ups 2 is sinking fast. The critic reviews for Pacific Rim seem to be mostly positive, while Grown Ups 2 is receiving a roasting of epic proportions. Earlier today, with 26 reviews in, Grown Ups 2 had a whopping 0% rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes. It has since moved up to a 3% critical approval rating with a single critic giving the movie a fresh rating. And the one positive critic offered up this ringing endorsement of the movie, “All I can say is I didn’t DISlike it. It astounded me too much with its nonsense, and it’s not nearly as offensive as I’d anticipated.” Meanwhile, Pacific Rim is currently tracking a 72% freshness rating.More good news for Pacific Rim comes from Fandango. According to Fandango, Pacific Rim is the number one movie fans want to see this weekend — scoring a sizable 90 out of 100 points on the company’s Fanticipation buzz indicator. Pacific Rim is grabbing 60% of Fandango’s advance sales for this weekend, and it’s currently outselling World War Z at the same point in that film’s pre-sales cycle.”The strong online and mobile ticket sales for ‘Pacific Rim’ are impressive for an original film,” says Paul Yanover, President of Fandango. “It’s really exciting to see the movie build momentum and add to the summer season.”
Pacific Rim Gaining Box Office Ground, As Critics Roast Grown Ups 2
Much has been made over the last couple weeks about how Grown Ups 2 had been tracking well ahead […]