Yes, we at have scored an exclusive interview with a man whose name has been making front page headlines for the last several days. We’re talking about none other than Paul Ryan. You might be familiar with Paul Ryan for his long run drawing the Fantastic Four for Marvel Comics or as the artist on the Phantom newspaper comic strip.What? Did you think we were talking about Congressman Paul Ryan, who Mitt Romney recently picked as his vice presidential running mate? Why would we talk to him? He doesn’t write or draw comic books (at least not any we know of).No, the Paul Ryan we’re talking about actually co-created a character called Ravage 2099 with Stan Lee. We bet the Congressman has never created anything with Stan Lee. Comic book artist Paul Ryan also co-created DP7 for Marvel’s New Universe line, and he is one of only two comic book creators to have contributed to both the wedding issues of Spider-Man and Superman.
Paul Ryan Will Vote For Paul Ryan: Exclusive Interview
Yes, we at have scored an exclusive interview with a man whose name has been making […]