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It will be the first Valiant publication since the relaunch to headline a female lead and the first time a character created in the new Valiant Universe gets their own title.
Obviously, female characters have been featured prominently in Archer & Armstrong, Harbinger and Unity, and the new, female Geomancer will be featured in The Valiant.
Robert Gill will provide the art for the one-shot focusing on the mohawked voodoo priestess, which Comics Alliance says tells the story of how Punk Mambo migrated from crusty British high society to the dark world of American voodoo, and how she returns to her origins to discover “the punks and the voodoo priests she used to know have cleaned themselves up, and she’s a loud, belching ghost from their past, come to break in the new furniture…and break some faces!”
The one-shot will debut in November.