Sony today announced that the popular video game franchise Ratchet & Clank will be released as a 3-D, animated feature film–and did so by way of an announcement trailer.According to Forbes, the movie adapts story by TJ Fixman, the senior writer at Insomnia Games and the writer of recent Ratchet and Clank games. Rainmaker Productions will produce.”Over the last decade, the Ratchet & Clank franchise has grown from a few small planets into a sprawling universe full of colorful characters and storylines,” said Fixman. “It’s grown as a result of the studio growing, and we’ve learned a lot along the way about what makes these characters tick. With the movie, we have the opportunity to go back to the duo’s origins and use our knowledge to create a deeper, more meaningful story. In a lot of ways we’re reimagining our own work while keeping the franchise DNA intact. This lets us answer all the fans’ questions and theories in a big, cinematic way.”And, in doing so, provides the filmmakers with a ready-made film, complete with character designs and a lot of the typical considerations of animation nuts and bolts already completed.”What we have with Ratchet and Clank is access to a franchise that was built in a production environment that can be easily transitioned over to a CG film,” said Brad Foxhoven, CEO of Blockade Entertainment and producer on the film. “We’re using the game assets as design reference for our model builds and character performance. The digital game assets will also be utilized in the pre-visualization phase allowing us to block the scenes using CGI characters and in some cases locations. When it’s possible to utilize the game assets – characters, locations and props, for Previz and design reference, this will significantly reduce our pre-production phase, allowing us to move quicker into animation.”The film is due in theaters in early 2015.
Ratchet & Clank Movie Announced, Teaser Trailer Now Online
Sony today announced that the popular video game franchise Ratchet & Clank will be released as a […]