Brian Andersen may not be a household name in comics, but he–and his comic So Super Duper (you can check it out here), which was published over the course of 12 issues as well as being “syndicated” for free online–will probably be familiar to many of our readers.The series is enjoying its first collected edition release coming up soon, complete with a foreword by Zenescope writer and former Newsarama editor Troy Brownfield.Centering around a gay male superhero and the cast of bizarre and lovable characters he surrounds himself with, Andersen says that he tries to instill a bit of himself in the lead character of Psyche, and to make the characters as real as they can be given the necessarily cartoonish nature of the title.He also says that much of the idea of the comic is to write a homosexual protagonist who isn’t defined by his sexuality and can reach across cultural lines to appeal to readers who don’t necessarily see themselves buying a book about “a gay guy.””Many comic book readers I know are looking for gay content in their comics, moreso content that isn’t hung up solely on giant phallic body parts and intercourse (not that I don’t enjoy that immensely),” Andersen told during a recent interview. “So Super Duper is accessible to straight and gay audiences in the way Will & Grace and Happy Endings is accessible to a broad audience.”
So Super Duper Creator Brian Andersen Talks the Series’ First Trade
Brian Andersen may not be a household name in comics, but he–and his comic So Super Duper (you […]