
SuperMansion New York Comic-Con Red Band Trailer Released

A new red band trailer for Crackle’s superhero parody series SuperMansion was released today at […]

A new red band trailer for Crackle’s superhero parody series SuperMansion was released today at New York Comic-Con and now you can watch it here!

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SuperMansion – Titanium Rex (voiced by Bryan Cranston) is the leader of the League of Freedom, a motley band of super heroes that has seen better days that all live in a SuperMansion. Titanium Rex struggles to live and fight alongside the Millennial-aged, often lackadaisical members of The League of Freedom as they battle against arch-enemies and struggle to remain relevant in today’s world.

Warning: The trailer below is NSFW!!!

SuperMansion, an all-new Crackle original series, premiered its first three episodes several days ago and additional episodes will stream weekly through December 17, 2015.