
Ten Memorable Squandered Opportunities in Comics, Part 2

While the Clone Saga arguably takes the cake as the most obvious example of a comics story that […]

While the Clone Saga arguably takes the cake as the most obvious example of a comics story that had promise but failed to deliver so completely that we remember it years later as an embarrassing disaster, it’s far from the only example. Yesterday we looked at five such stories, and today we’ll wrap up with five more that are arguably just as bad.The Dark Knight Strikes Again

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The Dark Knight Returns Watchmen Crisis on Infinite Earths The premise: Why it failed: The Dark Knight Returns The fallout:  All-Star Batman and Robin, the Boy Wonder Batman Year One Dark Knight All-Star Superman Dark Knight: Boy Wonder Holy Terror, Batman! pretty terrible controversial online rant Spider-Man: Chapter One
Man of Steel Untold Tales of Spider-Man The premise: Why it failed: Spider-Man Wikipedia Heroes Reborn Man of Steel The fallout: coming soon recently reissued Ultimate Spider-Man Countdown (to Final Crisis)
52 Countdown Final Crisis The premise:  Countdown 52 Final Crisis 52 Why it failed: 52 Countdown Final Crisis Countdown The Death of the New Gods 52 Countdown 52 Countdown Final Crisis The fallout: Countdown Wednesday Comics Countdown Brightest Day Justice League: Generation Lost Justice League: Cry for Justice
Starman The Golden Age Infinite Crisis Detective Comics Justice League: Cry For Justice The premise: Final Crisis Why it failed: Justice League The fallout: Rise of Arsenal Cry for Justice Rise of Arsenal
Civil War
The premise: Why it failed:   Secret Invasion One More Day Civil War
The fallout: