A sample chapter of Vertigo’s upcoming comics adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Denise Mina, Leonardo Manco and Andrea Mutti will hit comic shops on Free Comic Book Day, but fans too excited to wait can download it from ComiXology already.Earlier in the week, when Entertainment Weekly gave readers their first look at the graphic novel, they said that a sample chapter would appear for free online later in the week but when it didn’t appear at any of the major news outlets that DC usually uses to tease such popular projects, we checked ComiXology and lo! and behold, there it is.Titled The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Special #1, it’s a beautifully moody 24-page preview that introduces the characters and sets up the action for the rest of the book.The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo hits shelves in November from Vertigo.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Graphic Novel: Sample Chapter Online
A sample chapter of Vertigo’s upcoming comics adaptation of Stieg Larsson’s The Girl With the […]