
The Walking Dead Celebrity Zombies: Will Ferrell, Emma Watson, Seth Rogen, Selena Gomez, & Rebel Wilson

During tonight’s season three finale for The Walking Dead, be sure to keep an eye out for a […]
Will Ferrell Celebrity Zombie The Walking Dead

During tonight’s season three finale for The Walking Dead, be sure to keep an eye out for a commercial promo for the MTV Movie Awards. The promo will feature Will Ferrell, Emma Watson, Seth Rogen, Selena Gomez, and Rebel Wilson as celebrity zombies.Also, Talking Dead host Chris Hardwick has teased that a mystery celebrity will be appearing on the Talking Dead after-show to get made-up into a zombie, and we’re expecting it to be someone from the MTV Movie Awards commercial.We’ve included photos of the celebrities as zombies above and below. The MTV Movie Awards airs on Sunday, April 14 starting at 9 PM ET on MTV.

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Emma Watson zombie The Walking Dead
Seth Rogen zombie The Walking Dead
Selana Gomez zombie The Walking Dead
Rebel Wilson zombie The Walking Dead