With the third and final novel based on the life and death of The Walking Dead‘s The Governor now in stores from series creator Robert Kirkman and co-writer Jay Bonansinga, one fan today asked Robert Kirkman during his Reddit AMA whether he planned on writing any more prose novels.”There will be more novels,” Kirkman said. “Jay Bonansinga is killing it with those books and I’m really excited about doing more. Stay tuned to the news over at thewalkingdead.com (look at that plug!)”The obvious choice would be to follow up with Negan, the villain of the currently-ongoing “All-Out War” storyline, which he’s not expected to survive.It seems as though Kirkman might have some plans to change those expectations, though…”No novelization for Negan,” he said. “He’ll get a larger backstory if he doesn’t DIE before the end of the ‘All-Out War’ storyline.”
The Walking Dead Creator Robert Kirkman: More Novels Coming, But Not About Negan
With the third and final novel based on the life and death of The Walking Dead’s The Governor now […]